Hi geechie fam! It's Pentherapee! And I got some "did ya know" news today.
Ahhhh let's see...Charleston, SC, beautiful cobblestone streets, historical, stature, strong southern ties and of course the original home of the Gullah people in the unites states. AND HOME TO ONE OF THE UGLIEST, BORING, UNEVENTFUL, SMALL AIRPORTS (sigh) LOL!
I have been through CHS airport enough to have a room there, but considering Charleston is one of the top tourist vacation spots and not too shabby on the ideal place to retire for some, also Charleston and most surrounding cities and counties have loot...you knoh moolah, slave money, that green, old money, chedda shall keep going or you got it?. Our airport should be state of the art! So needless to say I bun too happy when jet blue started flying there because they are truly a really nice airline and CHS deserves some upgrades and jet blue was a nice touch.
Moving on, so how excited I bun when I read about the 150,000,000 well deserved airport renovations!!!!! Whoohooooo!!!! They even had a groundbreaking ceremony and everyTing. The State representative Chip Limehouse stated, and I quote "it's a final piece of the puzzle missing from a world class city" . I mean come on...this long overdue. This is not old sowt tis uz definitely NEW sowt. And as air travel increases people are spending way more time and money in the sky, and Americans are spoiled, cheap and bourgeois (even tho' bourgeois just means middle class) we want champagne travel on a beer budget lol! I go into some airports and dang near don't want to leave. I should've just bun an air waitress aka flight attendant because I love everyting bowt traveling especially flying. I truly get a high soon as mi foots enter any airport. And I'm not the only wun that shares that high, on any given day at any given airport it will reflect my belief.
Now to bring luxury, beauty, amenities, organization to a well deserved city/county deserves an applause (and the crowd roarrrrrrrs). ok, I'm not crazy enough to think that I will not be paying the cost somewhere in all of this but if I'm going to pay make it well worth it. And my experience has always bun the bigger the airport like a LAX actually comes with lower fees. I tend to believe it is a fact because it's no wonder big airports stay busier and my ticket is always 50-100$ cheaper so driving an extra 20-30 min to LAX rather than paying for the convenience of going to the 2 smaller/private airports closer to me is worth it for me and mines. Mr. Limehouse went on to say "the goal is to be a #1 airport". WOW so befitting for CHS.
Now most my people are still down south, majority still in West Ashley, Mt. Pleasant and Charleston so they very well drive whenever they're going to GA, NC, NY etc. but the few of us that are spread out take enjoyment in flying coast to coast. To be able to shop (and not just for a rusty coffee mug, overpriced t-shirt or an outdated dusty book) and to be able to dine from a sports bar to fine dining is so great, because let's face it layovers and delayed flights are apart of flying just like wudda and eh it will be so nice to make it an experience in mi own hometown. So I vote yes! I believe money well spent.
Story by PT
Chip Limehouse exerts from abcnews4.com