Thursday, January 3, 2013

Folklore: Plat-Eye

One of the evil spirits that the blue bottle tree is believed to trap is the Plat-eye. The plat-eye has been described as the unsettled spirit of a person wronged while alive, or who wasn't buried properly, or without any care.

The Plat-eye can take the form of animals, or the spirit form of the recently deceased. There are times that the plat-eye has no shape, it's just mist, which is said to be freezing and suffocating. The plat-eye can also be invisible except for glowing, fiery eyes. If you are haunted by a Plat-eye that is in human, or animal form, it is said to have front teeth, but no back teeth. If the plat-eye isn't in the form of an animal, or human
,it has one large eye that is the size of a plate, hence the name. This is said to be the plat-eye truest form.

The unsettled haint, mostly hunt the people who have done them wrong while they were alive, or the people who buried them incorrectly. The plat-eye is so vengeful that it's said that it torments a person until they go insane, or until they die. Some are even said to be able to suck the souls out of their hunted.To get rid of a plat-eye you have to either bury a person correctly, or right the wrong that you have done to the offended, somehow. 

Though you should treat people with care, and respect, not to worry SOME say that the plat-eye only lurks around swamps, and old rice fields. 


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